Sponsor Association

The Sponsor Association of Thuringia International School e.V. (foerderverein@this-weimar.com) was founded in 2005. The goals of this non-profit organisation are to make Thuringia International School better known, create closer links with the local business community as well as with the government, and support the school with financial assistance. In particular it has been developing a fund raising system for financial support from private persons, public institutions and Thuringian businesses.

Fundraising Project - "Leaves for Learning"

The Sponsor Association enabled the school to purchase new student-use computers, new books for the school library, and items for the school's music programme. Since 2016 the Sponsor Association has especially supported the school's science department by purchasing scientific iems and devices for the growing Upper School classes.

Donating companies or private persons are honored by a metal leaf with their names engraved on the "Leaves for Learning"-tree which is placed in the school foyer. The color of the leaf refers to the donated amount as follows:

  • Bronze Leaf for 100,00 €
  • Silver Leaf for 150,00 €
  • Gold Leaf for 200,00 €

"Please support the development of our unique institution by becoming a regular member or donating one-time. Thank you for your commitment!"
Arndt Hobrecker (Board Chair Sponsor Association)

Charity shopping for ThIS

The Sponsor Association asks parents and friends of ThIS to use the "Schulengel" platform for their shopping ventures on the internet. With the help of this organisation a percentage of the money spent at many internet shops will be donated to our school automatically without any additional cost for you.