Director’s Welcome

Welcome to ThIS, now in its third decade of providing an international learning experience to the children of internationally-mobile and globally-minded families.


ThIS uses the IB Learner Profile as a set of objectives for developing internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

Guiding Statements

ThIS offers an internationally-recognised education in English that enables students to fulfil their potential as active learners and empowered individuals who promote positive change in the world.

Strategic Plan

ThIS has identified six main strategic objectives for the coming couple of years. Many of them are associated with developments associated with the post-Covid environment, and others refer to the re-accreditation of the school.


At ThIS, we’ve invested in many changes – big and small – to reduce our environmental footprint. And we recognise it’s an ongoing effort, with continual room for improvement.



School Profile

ThIS is committed to high academic standards and to enabling its students to pursue further education after graduation at university or elsewhere, wheather in Germany, in Europe, or further afield.


How would you characterize ThIS? How is it different to a standard German School? Which certificate can my child gather attending ThIS? Are they recognized in Germany?


At ThIS, we believe that everyone is a learner. This approach is embedded in our philosophie which encourages both faculty and support staff to meet the ever-changing needs of our 21st century learners. 


The legal basis for our school is the thurinigia international school-weimar e.V., which is a non-profit organisation with seven members. They elect and oversee the Board of Directors, which is responsible for the business of the registered association.